Welcome to Lewis - Palmer Middle School Activity Registration
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Registration, Fees and current physical must be submitted before tryouts, in order to participate in any athletics programs.
CHSAA Sports Physical Requirement: All students must have a valid CHSAA sports physical on file with the athletics office.
Submission of Physicals: Submit your physical online during registration.
Validity: Please note that sports physicals are valid for one year from the date of the exam.
Athletics Fees: All athletics fees must be paid online during registration.
If you are approved for Free/Reduced lunch, please email the athletic secretary (acantrell@lewispalmer.org) for specifics on how to proceed.
Thank you for your attention to these important requirements!
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to the corresponding contact info.
Bill Kissell - Athletic Director
Email: bkissell@lewispalmer.org
Phone: (719) 687-8234
Alexandria Cantrell- AD Secretary
Email: acantrell@lewispalmer.org
Phone: (719) 687-8234